Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Caramel Chocolate Cappuccino Shake

Made caramel chocolate cappuccino shakes the other day. Sweet and refreshing. 

I used my smoothie/milkshake blender I received as a gift from my kids for Mother's day.

In the blender I added 1 cup leftover coffee, 2-3 cups vanilla ice cream, 2 tablespoons gourmet caramel sauce, 2 tablespoon chocolate syrup,
1 1/2 - 2 tablespoons instant cappuccino powder and about 1/2 cup skim milk.

 Blend well for few minutes.

Pour in a glass. Add a small spoonful of vanilla ice cream on top, drizzle some caramel sauce, add some chopped chocolate, and sprinkle some cappuccino powder. A very delicious dessert.

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