Monday, April 9, 2012

Chicken pasta alfredo with roasted cherry tomatoes and basil

One of my kids favorite. They love how I make chicken, pasta, and cheese. I just whipped this up for them. It's easy, quick to make, full and happy kids :)


4 boneless chicken breast, cut into bite size piecessalt
cayenne pepperpaprika
poultry seasoning
seasoned flour
olive oil for frying chicken

3 tablespoons unsalted butter
4 tablespoons Philadelphia cream cheese
1 cup light milk
1/2 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup Måt flote (optional)
1 tablespoon lemon juice

2 1/2 cups grated Parmesan cheese

1/2 cup shredded cheese
pinch nutmeg

salt and white pepper 

1/2 cup tomato sauce

Freshly chopped basil leaves
1 cup cherry tomatoes sliced half (seasoned with salt and pepper, olive oil, roast in oven for 6-8 minutes on 350 degrees F.)
250-300 grams cooked pastaExtra shredded cheese  

Season chicken with salt, pepper, cayenne pepper, paprika, poultry seasoning, drench in seasoned flour and fried them in olive oil until brown and crispy. Put cooked chicken on paper towel to drain the excess oil and set a side.

 In a large oven proof saucepan/skillet on medium/high heat I melted 3 tablespoon butter stirred in cream cheese until cheese has melted. Then I whisk in  milk, heavy cream, mat fløte, lemon juice, nutmeg, salt and pepper. lowered heat. Stirred in Parmesan cheese and shredded cheese, whisk cheese until melted. Added cooked chicken, tomato sauce, dice roasted cherry tomatoes, and fresh chopped basil, stir and mixed well, cooked for 8 minutes, toss in cooked pasta, stir and mix well, then topped with shredded cheese and bake in the oven until cheese melted, at 350 degrees F. Serve warm.

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