Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Dennis homemade pizza muffins and mommy's pecan dessert

Today my son and I made mini pizza muffin. He was the one that made the most and I was the one supervising. He told me he had made cookies, cakes, hot dogs at his former barnehagen. It was so cute and nice spending quality time with him. This fall he is starting school. I'm a little sad that my first baby is growing up so fast. 

For dessert I made caramel glazed pecan with thick vanilla sauce. I added pecan nuts with 2 tablespoons  caramel sauce and 1 tablespoon brown sugar in a bowl. Mixing with a spoon, coating every pecans. Made some thick vanilla sauce. Added vanilla sauce in a bowl and topped with glazed pecan. Covered and stored in the freezer for half hour before serving. I didn't get the chance to have any but my husband and son sure did.

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