Monday, March 5, 2012

Cheesy Mashed Potatoes

Homemade cheesy mashed potatoes

An easy recipe for my homemade cheesy mashed potatoes. It's one of my family's favorite.

This is a similarty to cheddar cheese they had at Rimi groccery store. 6 slices for 30kr,- that is about 5.30 USdollars. It's so much cheaper buying grocceries in the States than in Norway. The prices on American brands are 3x more than in the US.

Mashed Potatoes

6-8 medium russet potatoes or red potatoes, peeled and cubed (I don't peel the potatoes because of the nutrition I would leave it on)

1 bay leaf

salt and pepper

steak seasoning

2 tablespoon sour cream

1/2 cup mat fløte or heavy cream

1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese

3 tablespoons margirine or unsalted butter

2 tablespoon chopped green onion or chives

Place the potatoes into a pot, add the bay leaf, 2 tablespoons salt. Cover with cold water and bring to boil and cook for 20-25 minutes or until very tender. Drain well, remove bay leaf.

While potatoes are cooling off, heat the heavy cream and butter in a small saucepan. Put potatoes into a bowl. Add the hot cream and season with salt, pepper, steak seasoning, sour cream, cheddar cheese mixed together with a spoon and add the green onion.

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