Saturday, March 16, 2013

S'more want to be a danish

Earlier I've made with strawberries, apples, blueberries, chocolate, and other fruits. This time I made s'mores want to be a danish. The only Hershey's bars I found were with hazelnuts. I could of used cookies and cream or regular Hershey's bar but I didn't want to drive around and waste gas. So I used the hazelnut bars and mini marshmallows.
I spread my cheesecake filling first, then Hershey's and topped with mini marshmallows. Wrapped my pastry like a danish. Topped with more mini marshmallows and chocolate and baked in the oven. 
After coming out of the oven and letting it cool down. I cut a little piece and took one bite. WOW, it was dangerously yummy. Next time I want to make with pecan and maple or with nutella or nuggati.

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