Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving Dinner!

 My son's school lunch on Thanksgiving day was a turkey sandwich.
This is a Thanksgiving Dinner in Norway. The Neang-Hansen way. It was difficult finding the ingredients for my turkey dinner because Norway don't celebrate Thanksgiving.  I made homemade French Sausage, Apple, Cranberry, herb stuffing, twice baked stuffed sweet potato topped with bacon, green bean and bacon casserole, homemade gravy, and fried turkey. I never tried fried a turkey before I usually roast my turkey. I wanted to try something different and the turkey came out delicious.
For dessert I made pecan tarts. They were yummy. Happy Thanksgiving!

Sauteed celery, onions, apples, French sausages, dried cranberries, parsley, chives, other herbs and seasoning

 Stuffing and twice baked sweet potatoes marshmallow muffins topped with crisped bacon
Green Bean and bacon casserole. 
Our 4.05 kilo turkey......
deep fried turkey

Pecan tarts.

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