Saturday, October 13, 2012

3rd Birthday

Today is one of our daughter's birthday and our 7 years wedding anniversary. It's a very special day and a bitter sweet moment. Just remembering her when she was a newborn struggling with her illness, had our ups and downs but in the end I'm just so grateful and very thankful that she is healthy, happy, and with us. It's amazing to see her grow, listening to her laugh, her cute chipmunk voice, her smile that melts my heart. She is such a beautiful little girl, happy all the time. I'm so proud to have her as my daughter. 

I made her a cheddar cheese and turkey cake sandwiches. It has 3 cucumber stick as candles and cheddar cheese cut into 3 lights, her favorite black olives to go with it. She was so happy to see it. 

I made her mocha chocolate princess cup cakes with her favorite sweets on the side.

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