Monday, August 26, 2013

Cambodian food during the weekend

During the weekend I craved for Cambodian food and their is no Cambodian restaurant in Oslo or any part of Norway. 
I'm Cambodian and I'll make my Cambodian food. So I had made fried rice, with leftover Cambodian steaks I made the other day, cold jasmine rice, bean sprouts, onions, garlic, green onions, etc...
My husband told me when we were dating, he had tried to make fried rice once. It didn't go so well because he didn't cook the rice before hand. So he poured in the rice with cooked vegetables and meat. He told me  it was hard to chew and the rice was hard. I told him you have to use cold cooked rice. 

When he came to the Untied States back in 2003, he had his first bagel. He just ate it how it was. I looked at him while he took his last bite, I told him the last minute. " Did you know it taste better if you toast it." His face reaction was priceless. "You tell me this now!" He was thinking do Americans really like eating raw bagels. I said, "Only if it's toasted with cream cheese, jam, ham, eggs, or bacon. I couldn't stop laughing. Ever since then he knows how to make fried rice and toast his bagels.

For my Cambodian marinade for steaks

2 tablespoons vegetable oil
2 stalks green onion, chopped
3 clove garlic, minced
2 tablespoons soy sauce or Maggie seasoning sauce
2 tablespoons oyster sauce
1/2 tablespoon palm sugar

1 1/2 lb sirloin beef

ground black pepper and salt
ground ginger
all round seasoning

In a container combine and whisk the first 6 ingredients. Add in beef and seasoned with pepper, salt, ginger, all round seasoning. Cover container and shake well. Place in refrigerator, let marinade for 4 hours before cooking. 

 I made a Khmer dipping sauce Tirk Pahok( spicy pickle fish dipping sauce) This goes well with my steaks and vegetables. My mom told me, this sauce would make me break out but it didn't. My husband was skeptic about the sauce but I told him you have to try it, just don't let the name and the look gross you out. It really does taste good. He tried it and he was surprise it tasted good.

I also made Cambodian chicken spring rolls. I was going to use ground pork but they didn't have any ground pork in stock at the near by grocery store. I was told this was one of the best spring rolls I've made. 

For my fried rice

2 tablespoon coconut oil
3 clove garlic, minced
1 medium onion, chopped
1/2 teaspoon red Thai pepper, minced
Left over steaks 
1 cup cooked jasmine rice
1/2 cup bean sprouts
 plain 4 egg omelet, sliced
1 tablespoon chicken bouillon powder
2 tablespoon fish sauce
2 tablespoon light soy sauce
1/2 or 1 tablespoon sugar
2 stalk green onions, chopped

In a wok heat up oil to medium/high heat, when oil is hot add/stir in garlic, onions, pepper. Add in steaks stir and cook for 4 minutes, stir in cooked rice, bean sprouts, omelet. Stir well. Season with bouillon, fish sauce, soy sauce, sugar, dash of salt and freshly ground black pepper. Add chopped green onions. Mix everything well and it's ready to be serve. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Superman logo sandwich

It's Wednesday soon to be Thursday, then a blink of an eye, Friday + weekend. It has been quite busy early this week. I don't even know how I even made it through the days. Lately I have been drinking a lot of coffee. I've never liked coffee up until recently. After the long summer holiday, everything is back to normal. My son is back in school, my husband's working more, and I'm going to reopen my kitchen again.
Anyways, I had made Superman logo sandwich (ham, cheese, Jarlsberg cheese, lettuce, mayonnaise). I had no salami for the symbol so I used ham.

I drew Superman, Batman, and Yoda for my son's book covers all I need is some contact paper.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Pineapple marinade

 Look who's laying on a bed of salad.....a Minion. I made this for my son's school lunch. 

I noticed living in Norway, weekends always seem to go by very fast. Monday mornings are mostly brutal. My husband was not feeling well during the night because of something he had ate during the weekend and I didn't sleep well at all because I was taking care of him. 

My son started 2nd grade today. He got to see all his old classmates. He already got invited to a birthday party. It was a bittersweet moment watching him start 2nd grade. He was so happy and he is so excited for tomorrow. 

For dinner today was Polynesian night. I found a great recipe for Shrimp pineapple fried rice 
I added some extra corn, mango, and a little citrus to the fried rice. I made pineapple marinade for my pork chops. This helped my husband, just something light. 

For marinade
1 cup pineapple juice
3 tablespoons soy sauce
2 tablespoons light brown sugar
teaspoon garlic salt
freshly ground black pepper
tablespoon oil

In a bowl add all ingredients and whisk well. Place pork chops in a container, pour marinade, and cover. Refrigerate for 4 hours. Before grilling, frying, or baking season with a little more freshly ground black pepper.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Easy cheescake dip

Yippie, it's Friday! It's been a while since I last posted. It's finally quiet because my kids are with their father at his work and I'm alone with my youngest one. Anyways, the other day I was craving strawberries and cheesecake. I was too tired to bake. I wanted to make something quick without eggs and flour. I'm not into eggs as much as my family. 
Just 5 ingredients to make a very easy and tasty cheesecake dip. So I made this delicious cheesecake dip which vanished before my eyes. My kids and my husband ate it less than 5 minutes. The next time I'll make this when I'm home alone. 

Instead of using sour cream, I used Kesem. I google translate for kesem which in English means curd. My husband told me it's much healthier than sour cream and it's a Swedish thing. So I tried it, taste better than sour cream, healthier, and cheaper. 

Ingredients for easy cheesecake dip

2/3 cup Philadelphia cream cheese at room temperature
1/2 cup Vanilla Kesem (vanilla curd)
1/4 cup sugar
1 1/2 tablespoon vanilla powder sugar
1/2 tablespoon lemon juice

In a large bowl combined first 4 ingredients, with an electric whisk, whisk until semi smooth. Then drizzle lemon juice and whisk again for a minute or two. Top with any crumble cookies or crushed graham crackers and serve as dip or make cheesecake with it.